
【概説】「史実を世界に発信する会」 茂木弘道

一次史料が明かす 南京事件の真実』(展転社)(改訂版)

池田 悠 著

その5 第四章 南京事件対外宣伝の構図




 A.『戦争とは何か』(What War Means – Japanese Terror in China)(ティンパーリ編)


 C.『南京安全地帯の記録』(Documents of the Nanking Safety Zone)(重慶国際委員会監



 また、Cは実質アメリカ宣教師団が取り仕切って記録した文書をプロテスタント長老派の徐淑希博士が編集し、国民党の外郭団体である国際問題委員会が監修して上海の英国系出版社のKelly & Walsh社から出版したものでした。


 このような方針に沿って抗日国際宣伝を国民党は行ったのですが、この中で最も成功を収めたのが「南京事件」であったわけです。その理由は、A, B, Cの三つの中立を装った書籍が英文で発行されとことが大きいと著者はいいます。








令和4年1月6日 「史実を世界に発信する会」 茂木弘道


Primary Historical Sources Reveal The Truth About

The Nanjing Incident (Revised Version)

Ikeda Haruka

(translated by Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact)

Series No.5: Chapter 4 The Structural Outline of International

Propaganda of the Nanjing Incident


   There were three core pieces of documentation, written as if from an uninterested third party, that facilitated the successful spread of the Nanjing Incident propaganda:

1)     What War Means – Japanese Terror in China, edited by Australian journalist Timperley,

2)     War Damage in the Nanking Area, edited by missionary Smythe,

3)     Documents of the Nanking Safety Zone, edited by Dr. Shushi Hsu.

In fact, 1) and 2) were produced by the Nationalist Party’s International Bureau of the Central

Propaganda Division. Mr. Zeng Xu-bai, director of the Bureau writes in his autobiography:

“To begin with, we decided to pay Timperley and Smythe via Timperley to write two books as eyewitnesses to Japanese military’s massacre in Nanking, print and publish them.”  

   The third book was edited by Dr. Shushi Hsu, a Chinese Presbyterian, under the auspices of the Nationalist organization, of the documents of the Safety Zone written by American missionaries.

   Mr. Xeng Xu-bai stated in his autobiography China’s international propaganda policy:

“Regarding our international propaganda at this time, we decided that we Chinese will never appear in front on our part but search for foreign friends who understand the truth of our fight and political goal and let them speak for us.”   

   The most successful case of international propaganda conducted by this policy was the dissemination of the “Nanjing Incident”. The main reason for this was because the three books mentioned earlier were published as if they were objective documentation from a third-party.

   A photograph of a baby sitting on a railroad, crying, in Shanghai after the city was bombarded appeared in the October 4, 1937 issue of Life and the photo attracted tremendous worldwide sympathy. However, this famous photo did not lead to stories of grave civilian massacres in Shanghai. Without the books allegedly written by “objective third parties,” which were central to the so-called Nanjing Incident, the whole operation would have ended quickly, nothing more than, for example, “image manipulation,” like the baby crying in Shanghai, sitting on a rail.




MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman

for KASE Hideaki, Chairman

Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

Phone: +81-3-3519-4366

Fax: +81-3-3519-4367



Note: Japanese names are rendered surname first in accordance with Japanese custom.