【概説】「史実を世界に発信する会」 茂木弘道
中村 粲
その22 第六章 米国の報復―ワシントン会議 第2節 会議の結果
(5) 太平洋前進基地の現状維持を約す。(即ち、新たな要塞又は海軍根拠地を建設せず、沿
① 米国が太平洋で、現在または相ら領有する島嶼。但し、米国海岸、アラスカ、パナマ運河近接の島、並びにハワイを除く。
② 香港並びに英国が東経110度以東の太平洋で現在または将来領有する島嶼。但し、カナダに隣接する島、豪州とその領土、ニュージーランドを除く。
③ 千島列島、小笠原諸島、琉球諸島、台湾及び澎湖諸島並びに日本が将来獲得することあるべき太平洋の島。(この結果米国はグアム、フィリピン及びアリューシャンの防衛を断念することになった。)
・その22,第6章2節 日本語原文:
・ 〃 第6章2節 英訳文:
「史実を世界に発信する会」 会長 茂木弘道
協力者代表:神奈川大学教授 小山和伸
Nakamura Akira, Dokkyo University Professor Emeritus
(English Translation: Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact)
Part 22, Chapter 6: US Retaliation: Washington Naval Conference-2
The Washington Naval Treaty (also known as the Five-Power Treaty Between the Five Powers Concerning the Limitation of Naval Armament) was signed at the Washington Conference. Its essential points are:
(1) Respective ratios of capital ships to be held by each signatory was set as follows:
Britain 5
United States 5
Japan 3
France 1.75
Italy 1.75
(Discussion of (2) – (4) omitted here.)
(5) The status quo, with regard to fortifications and naval bases, would be maintained; no new
fortifications, naval bases, or coastal defenses would be constructed in the territories listed
(A) The insular possessions which the United States now holds or may hereafter acquire in the Pacific Ocean, except those adjacent to the coast of the United States, Alaska and the Panama Canal Zone, and the Hawaiian Islands;
(B) Hong Kong and the insular possessions which the British Empire now holds or may hereafter acquire in the Pacific Ocean, east of the meridian of 110° east longitude, except those adjacent to the coast of Canada, the Commonwealth of Australia and its Territories, and New Zealand;
(C) The Chishima (Kurile) Islands, the Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands, the Ryūkyū Islands, Taiwan and the Pescadores Islands and any insular territories or possessions in the Pacific Ocean which Japan may hereafter acquire.
But exceptions were made for the US (Hawaii) and Britain (Singapore). Both nations were permitted to fortify those territories at their discretion.
The Anglo-Japanese Alliance, the pillar of Japanese diplomacy for 21 long years, came to an end. This was a cause for rejoicing for the US. One Japanese diplomat, disappointed that the Four Power Treaty had replaced the alliance, said, “We have discarded whiskey and accepted water”. To the Japanese the new treaty had neither significance nor utility.
The new Nine-Power Treaty Concerning China had the most historical significance for Japan. Signatories agreed to respect the sovereignty, independence, and territorial and administrative integrity of China. They also promised to help establish and maintain the Open Door Policy and equal opportunity for the commerce and industry of all nations. The Nine Power Treaty had incorporated the Open Door Policy into an international treaty.
The Nine-Power Treaty effectively rejected Japan’s China policy, which emphasized the special relationship between Japan and China. It constrained Japan to an excessive extent, and became the primary point of contention between Japan and the US, ultimately leading up to the Greater East Asian War.
The greatest flaw of the Nine-Power Treaty was its assumption that eventually a solid stable government would appear in China, and that China would unite and form a modern nation. But China became even more chaotic and headed toward violent exclusionism. Unfortunately, it was Japan that bore the brunt of China’s reality.
MOTEKI Hiromichi, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact
Phone: 81-3-3519-4366
Fax: 81-3-3519-4267
URL: http//
Note: Japanese names are rendered surname first in accordance with Japanese custom.